Garr is a conglomerate lava elemental boss found in Molten Core between Gehennas and Baron Geddon, and guarding the Rune of Blaz. He is a melee boss with 8 guards. Garr is described as one of the lieutenants of Ragnaros who carried out the betrayal of Lord Thunderaan, the Prince of Air and otherwise referred to as the "Windseeker." During the Elemental Sundering, Ragnaros sought to consume Thunderaan, and did so by having his two lieutenants, Baron Geddon and Garr perpetrate him. Thunderaan, caught off guard, was utterly destroyed. Ragnaros almost completely consumed Thunderaan's essence, and stored the rest within a talisman of elemental binding. Ragnaros cleaved this talisman into two equal pieces, to which he assigned Baron Geddon and Garr.
Two orbs of molten lava are set into the hill of stone that constitutes this creature’s head, the whole resting atop a mountainous torso. Two immense bands of metal bind the creature at what might be its wrists, if those massive stone appendages can be called arms. Garr uses earth glide to rise up among the highest concentration of his enemies. He takes advantage of his magma shackles and anti-magic pulse by moving to keep his ground-based enemies within these areas of effect. He attacks and backs off to keep his opponents from making full attacks against him while his army of elementals surrounds and protects him. In melee he simply pummels his foes and pushes them into rivers and lakes of lava.

The more warlocks in a group, the easier this battle will be, but this strategy still works with only a couple. Each warlock is assigned one of the firesworn. For that specific firesworn, a warlock must keep the firesworn banished and have a voidwalker to tank it in between banish breaks. Every firesworn that is not assigned to a warlock must then be offtanked and killed by dps. During the fight, the group will benefit the most if all of the mobs are kept spread out, so as to prevent any difficulties with explosions and Garr's debuff abilities.
Caution: when firesworns die they explode, causing large amounts of damage to all surrounding group members. When they are about to die, melee must get away from firesworns so as to save health and save healer mana.
When all tank-assigned firesworn are down, the group can then focus on Garr, which should be tanked by the MT from the very start of the fight. Warlocks must remember keep their targets banished at least until Garr falls.
Once Garr is dead the raid needs to kill the remaining banished firesworn one at a time.
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